You do not have to worry alone. If you have concerns about your infant or toddler call your child’s pediatrician as soon as you can. Discuss your concerns and ask if these are normal activities of infants and young children and where you might get extra support and help. Many states now have Early Childhood Mental Health Systems of Care which are coordinated networks of community-based services and supports organized to meet the social/emotional needs of young children and their families. Early Intervention or Part C of the Individual with Disabilities Act is available in all states and will receive referrals from parents with concerns about their children’s social/emotional issues. Home visiting programs through hospitals, Family Resource Centers, and mental health agencies in your area can give support and resources. Look for those with infant mental health training through a state Association for Infant Mental Health.
Connecticut residents can get help from 211’s Child Development Infoline. The care coordinator at Infoline can also give information about services available in specific communities including child guidance clinics, referrals to programs like Help Me Grow, Birth to Three and Early Childhood Special Education. Connecticut residents can also get help from Child FIRST which is a home-based program that focuses on the mental health needs of young children and the family resources needed.

For a list of national and local resources specific to infant/early childhood mental health, go to the section called, Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Services and Resources.